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Campylobacter Antisera
Developed to meet the need for a reliable standardized antisera, the set consists of 25 typing antisera (2ml x 25). It determines the heat stable antigen (HSA) by passive hemagglutination (PHA). External studies have shown it to be a useful tool in identifying and clustering strains from outbreaks.
Legionella Antisera
Consists of 10 typing antisera (2ml x 10) to identify L. pneumophilia (Group 1-6), L. bozemanii, L. dumoffi, L. gormanii and L. micdadie strains.
Listeria Antisera
Consists of 8 O antisera and 4 H antisera to aid public health and food testing laboratories in identifying sources of infection/contamination to prevent further cases of the disease.
C. perfringens Enterotoxin
PET-RPLA "SEIKEN" shows high sensitivity (1-2 ng/ml) and specificity for the detection of CPE directly in stools and or in culture fluids isolates from human and veterinary specimens. The kit gives semi-quantitative results and require no specialized equipment.
B. cereus Enterotoxin
BCET-RPLA "SEIKEN" detects B. cereus enterotoxin in foods and culture fluids of B. cereus isolates and gives semi-quantitative results, requiring no specialized equipment. Sensitivity is 1 ng/ml.
Source: Denka Seiken